
Most recent (beta) first


  • ??? Faster source switch.

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Download last profiler PROF.O

  • All registers passed to/from routine
  • Add profile_ix
  • Add profile_jp
  • Remove unnecessary vsync wait (faster when used in a loop)
  • Put pool in routine itself (prevent clashes)

Download last working GG (ROM Files)

Status: Now display machine time in-editor! Extremely stable, despite status bar flickering (regression since GG Beta 4). There is no flickering if you deactivate mini-dump (CONTROL-V).

Changes since GG beta 8

Bug Fix


  • #1a3 CP "A-1" triggers weird errors

Changes since Release FF

#### New features ####

--- Editor ---
* Display time (in microseconds) taken by selected block. Warning: comes with following limitations.
  * #197 [Editor/Profiling] Machine time not counted for CALL, DJNZ and other loops, IMPORT.
  * #198 [Editor/Profiling] Source must be assemble to profile conditionals and macros.
* Automatic dump in status bar after assembling (CONTROL-V to switch off)
* Bookmarks (CONTROL-B + key to register, CONTROL-SHIFT + key to jump, CONTROL-RETURN to jump back)

--- Trace ---
• Display machine time taken by instruction or routine
* Shift+up/down goes by 44 lignes (for faster navigation

--- General ---
* |ORGRESET   Clear all sources and return to BASIC
* |ORGLOAD,"filename",tab    Load source into tab and return to BASIC

#### Change ####

--- Editor ---
* CONTROL-O when file is modified: instead of "Continue Y/N", propose to save.
* Default extension for export: ".z80" rather than ".txt"

#### Regression ####

--- Editor ---
• Status bar flickering
• Slower navigation at the end of very long sources

#### Bug fix ####

--- Editor ---
* #166 Cannot switch source if filename is longer than 52 chars.

--- Assembler ---
* #1A3 CP "A-1" triggers weird errors
* #19E Internal assert triggered in some rare case
* #185 Local label not found after empty repetition
* #17D [Import] Inadequate "Ambiguous label" error.
* #179 Dangling 'ELSE' raises "Label inconsistency" 
* #160 Missing 'END' for 'IF' not detected.

--- Monogams ---
* #177 Label shown as "undefined" in monitor after reset.

--- Trace ---
* #19C [Visu] Wrong source line pointed with deactivated code in macro.
* #199 [Visu] Line tracking lost after IMPORT
* #196 Wrong timing for LD A,I LD I,A LD A,R LD R,A
* #194 "ld a,r" doesn't load the right value
* #193 "ld a,r" / "ld a,i" wrongly reset carry
* #192 out (n),a wrongly emulated when opcode in page c000
* #18f  Wrong R emulation for LDIR / LDDR / CPIR / CPDR
* #18e RLD/RRD wrongly emulated when HL in page C000-FFFF
* #18d Wrong LSB POPped when SP = &ffff
* #18c Wrong R emulation for IX/IY instructions
* #18a Visu LOAD directive corrupts &8900
* #188 IND wrongly modified after A
* #187 Crash trying to emulate IM n
* #17B Tracing macro with source visualisation may corrupt memory.
* #122 Visu source lost with 2 levels of repeats.
* #005 Crash when BRK met (tracing trace).


Bugged versions:
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